This activity came out of a need to define shinning inner light. The
concept seems vague to some kids so I wanted to find a way to connect
emotions with yoga movements in a concrete way. Doing this activity is a
way for kids to verbalize their good qualities. Some kids are very familiar
with their dark sides, and they only hear adults point out what they do
wrong. They have to be able to identify their light sides and what they do
right before they can shine their inner lights. Once they have a few
concrete images to focus on, I think they can shine these attributes as they
do the yoga poses.
Here is a simple art activity for a class with the theme of shining your
inner light, the light within.
1. Remove the label from a water bottle and cut off the bottom.
2. Cut up the sides to make “rays of light”.
3. Have the child describe his/her positive attributes and write each on a piece of torn
tissue paper.
4. Glue the tissue paper on the rays.
5. Ask the child to choose one yoga pose from either the pose chips or pose
stickers that best represents the attributes on each ray. It can be a pose
in which he/she can let that quality shine, or a pose the child needs to do
to work on that attribute.
6. To add on to this, ask the child to put the yoga poses in order to make a yoga flow. Add transitional poses if necessary.
7. This is a great activity to support Grounded kids in the Quest for Elevation as they can teach their flow to one another or the entire class.
8. Use a suction cup in the center or tape to hang these Rays of Light in a window to catch the sun and illuminate.