Warriors of Light: Step 1 {part 1}
26 Warriors of Light stepped into MLK weekend training with open hearted dignity.
The Right to Speak
26 Warriors of Light stepped into MLK weekend training with open hearted dignity.
Tune into what matters
and tune out what does not
Everyone has the right to invite the bell and invite others to stop and practice.
An invitation to sound the bell. Inviting instead of striking is more sacred, more of a nonviolent attention.
This is the time of applied, intuitive consciousness.
This is the time we let our hearts open up.
This is the time we need our children to experience reality through the compassion of the heart.
This is the time I asked our Fernbank Yoga Club Students~
What do you need to feel more present?
My training with the grounded program started over a year ago and has truly been a journey (that I am still on) of literally and figuratively finding my voice. First, I want it to be clear exactly what I mean by that. I hear a lot of teachers say when they start teaching that they struggle with imitating their teachers.