Hooray for Intergenerational Yoga Day, part 1
Tune into what matters
and tune out what does not
The One and Only Ivan Family Yoga
Each year Little Shop of Stories, a bookstore in Decatur, has a city wide reading initiative called On the Same Page. Readers of all ages enjoy the same book and for several weeks, activities are planned for the schools and the community leading up to the grand finale which is a guest reading by the book’s author.
UP-UP-UP With a Fish!
At the local Barnes & Noble families joined together for storytime and yoga to celebrate Dr. Suess’s birthday and Read Across America Day. I was inspired by Dr. Suess’s “The Cat In The Hat” and Co-Founder, Cheryl Crawford’s Grounded Blog Post, “Suess Sutra 1-1: Big Picture Play of Conciousness”.
Yoga By Letter: L
In L Out L
Yoga with the L
Listen, Look, Love
In L In
In L Out L
Yoga with the L
Lame, Limited, Lazy
Out L Out
In L Out L
Yoga with the L
Laughter, Luminous, Liberty
In L In
In L Out L
Yoga with the L