The map to LUCIDITY
Inspired by Yoga Sutra 1.33 which reads:
maitri karuna mudita upeksanam sukha duhkha punya apunya
visayanam bhavanatah cittaprasadanam
The map to LUCIDITY?
YES! Have you heard?
Takes four states to get there~
Not that absurd.
The first is of FRIENDSHIP
toward those who are happy.
Even when you feel distant,
resistance and slappy.
The second is of COMPASSION
toward those in distress.
Tough when annoyed,
imposed on and stressed.
The third is of JOY
toward those who are good
through roadblocks of useless
and misunderstood.
The fourth is of EQUANIMITY
toward those who are foul
who are lacking in virtue,
and react with a growl.
Here in our mapping
Four residents are mentioned.
How we perceive them
Is our fierce contention.
Our attitudes we go for
From composure to kind~
Get us closer to LUCIDITY
Where we STABILIZE our mind.
Memorize these four~
And observe in daily life.
During times of quiet,
Noise, and even strife.
So buckle up~
And prepare for a ride~
To align your attitude,
And try the untried.
Close your eyes~
Feel the state you are in~
Soften your heart~
your throat, and your skin.
Drop your breath
right into your heart~
It’s made up of LOVE~
And that’s where you start.
Inhale with the thought~
May I be friendly~
Exhale with the thought~
May I give friendship.
with your next inhale
with your next exhale.
Inhale with the thought~
May I have JOY~
Exhale with the thought~
May I give JOY.
with your inhale.
with your exhale.
When someone comes to mind
Offer these prayers
No matter their issues,
Their stains, or their stares.
May you be LOVING~
May you be LOVED ~
May you be PEACEFUL~
May you give PEACE~
Your states of envy and mean
Get smaller each time~
Intolerance is removed
You get closer to SUBLIME.
Once your mind is CLEAR,
And you’re CENTERED and FREE
Skillfulness in ACTION
Will be … Will be~