We celebrated City Schools of Decatur on the same breath, breathing together, and on the same page, reading together.
We celebrated the success of the first 40 days deep breath initiative in Georgia!
Here’s how we honored On the Same Breath and On the Same Page: A free, open to the public class taught by Carrie Beauchamp, myself and three Renfroe Middle Yoga students-Jillian, Kira and Olivia.
Kenny & the Dragon, by Tony DiTerlizzi is the heartwarming tale about a brave rabbit named Kenny and his literature-loving friend Graeme the dragon. Their friendship inspired us to breath deeper, to receive more clarity, to get better at seeing people for who they are, not what they appear to be.
Kenny is a little rabbit with a very big problem. His two best friends are heading into a battle of legendary proportions—with each other! In one corner there’s Graeme, a well-read and cultured dragon with sophisticated tastes. In the other there’s George, a retired knight and dragon slayer who would be content to spend the rest of his days in his bookshop. Neither really wants to fight, but the village townsfolk are set on it.
Heart Action: Friendship, Leadership, Bravery . Alignment Action: Lift Chest, Open Heart
Breath of Joy. Is there joy in tolerating differences, responsibility, honesty, pacifism and knowledge?
After washing away stains of preconceived differences, we woke up to any parts of us that aren’t aware of our core values.
Wake Up Mountain. We woke up our hearts, our minds, our ears, our voice with strong, heavy golden positive power.
We connected our power.
Our regrets, our set-backs, whatever is holding us down from being brave got kicked out!
Warriors question what isn’t true. With strong stance and open hearts.
Kenny’s book, King’s Royal Bestiary stated all dragons are terrorists. Obviously, his warriorship found that untrue. He had to teach his village the truth.
Tapped into intuition for guidance. Prepared to balance as warriors.
We listened – to our guts, our hearts, our imagination.
When we fell out, we LAUGHED!
ROCKED the Boat!
Deep breathing teaches us to become friends with ourselves first so that we can be open to being friends with others.
Co-Created a Dragon Breath in a Dragon shape. A Bunny Breath in a Bunny shape. And shared!
Connected. Connected. Connected. Connected.
Rested. Rested Rested. Rested.
Created a Coat of Arms to reflect our core values.
Thank you Little Shop of Stories for your partnership.
Thank you to all who showed up and celebrated being on the same breath and on the same page. And bunnies. And dragons. And friendships. Thank you to all of you who made new friends. We noticed!
Thank you Kelley Sue for capturing the joy, the friendship, the laughter of the celebration.