Have you ever felt not worthy? Maybe you lacked Self-love or maybe you didn’t surround yourself with goodness at the time. Who we surround ourselves with is who we become. If we surround ourselves with downers we begin to feel down. If we surround ourselves with happy, joyous, and delightful people we become more happy and joyful. If we were to eat junk food every single day we would begin to feel down and ucky. When we eat healthier we experience delight and Self-love. Honor Your Self! Surround yourself with goodness. “The first step toward awareness is being willing to look at yourself and your life without judgment or self-criticism.” (Iyanla Vanzant) Awareness opens the heart to new possibilities.
In “Despicable Me”, Gru was surrounded by downers. In the beginning, his only friends who seemed to laugh were the adorably playful Minions. His entire life he dishonored himself. As a young child, Gru was criticized, judged, and believed he wasn’t good enough. He was smart, bright and wanted to be accepted. Since Gru was constantly searching for acceptance from others he gravitated toward evil because he lacked Self Honor. Self- Awareness is key to peace! It opens the mind and the heart. When Gru met sisters, Margo, Edith, and Agnus his heart became brighter. He said, “Light bulb!” not knowing at that very moment his heart opened to new possibilities. His life was about to change in more ways than one….and for the good.
Gru – the main character was not grounded and did not surround himself with goodness. Let’s celebrate and help Gru honor himself while recognizing the importance of honoring ourselves as well.
The Minions – little guys full of laughter, huggable, and playful. They reminded Gru to smile.
Victor (a.k.a. “Vector) – The villan. He put all his energy into being evil and trying to make his daddy happy. Not himself! He too, lacked Self-love and Self-Awareness. In the end, he found himself alone.
The 3 Girls… Margo, the oldest was wise, Edith, the middle sister was curious, and Agnus, the youngest was cute, playful, full of imagination, and always happy.
Let’s hug into ourselves and honor who we are while shining bright and celebrating life. Let’s connect with our “Light bulb!” (Energy Circuit) Surround yourself with friends and lets celebrate the beauty of who we are. Connect with your breath while inhaling and exhaling. Deepen your breath in order to stimulate the energy created. Make a wish for yourself! Celebrate who you are. You are worthy! (Wake Up Mountain) Let’s wake up and smell the joy of life. Life is GOOOD! Stand tall, proud, and feel the earth below you, solid and feeling heavy. Pulling in positive energy. (Down Dog) Melt Your Heart! (Dolphin) Open yourself up and SMILE. Honor your strength and playfulness. (Lighten Up) Ground yourself into the truth of who you are. Become aware of who you are. (Fish) Lie on your back. Go with the flow…inhale, then exhale, softening your skin and opening your heart becoming more aware of the connection with all others surrounding you. Are you surrounded with goodness? (Take Out the Trash) This is a very powerful cleanser that makes you shine from the inside out. Inhaling and exhaling rapidly will help you take out the trash. Feel present! Honor Your Self in this breath cleansing pose. (Serious Crow Playful) In Serious Crow Playful let’s hug into ourselves, into our center, melting our hearts, squeezing together, shining BRIGHT! (Baby Got Back) Suddenly we all feel giddy, full of laughter and full of love. We are surrounded by Grace, by the love of our friends, our family. Spread your toes and pull in all that yummy, good for ya kind of energy, allowing it to flow through you. Make an imprint on the earth. (Mountain Range Laughter) Root your feet into the earth and rise up into your breath. Bring your hands to your mouth and smile with your imaginary harmonica. Bit by bit begin to laugh, slowly at first, but then go ahead and let loose. Allow yourself to let go. Lift your smile up to the great big sky and tilt your head back giving gratitude to all the joys which surround you. (Twist and Target) Gru said, “Light bulb!” when he first saw the 3 sisters, Margo, Edith, and Agnus outside of Vector’s home. They were selling cookies. What Gru did not know is when he had his “light bulb” moment he also opened his heart to new possibilities. Choose the color of your light bulb and let it SHINE. (I Am What I Am) That’s right! You are who you are and be proud of who you are. (Savasana) Take this time to tune in to your Self. Take this moment to honor your Self and be with your Self….breathing and resting peacefully….each time you breath allowing your light to shine more and more with each breath.