laugh verb \ˈlaf, ˈläf\
intransitive verb
1 a : to show emotion (as mirth, joy, or scorn) with a chuckle or explosive vocal sound b : to find amusement or pleasure in something <laughed at his own clumsiness>
laugh verb \ˈlaf, ˈläf\
intransitive verb
1 a : to show emotion (as mirth, joy, or scorn) with a chuckle or explosive vocal sound b : to find amusement or pleasure in something <laughed at his own clumsiness>
Grounding kids is similar to grounding outlets. If your outlet doesn’t have three prongs like this, it’s not grounded.Your child needs to have three “prongs” connected; his voice, his heart, and his feet.
If you have kids or teens, they might at times behave similarly to ungrounded electrical outlets.