To hire a Certified Grounded Teacher to work with your students in the classroom, during P.E./Health, Wellness Week, or Special Assembly, the following rates apply:
- Full Day: $850
- Half Day: $500
- 90 Minutes: $225
- 60 Minutes: $150
- 45 Minutes: $115
- 30 Minutes: $75
Time can be divided into multiple classrooms. We offer discounts for multiple sessions such as a 3 week/3 session unit or as an ongoing presence. We are also open to discussing options for grants and modifications based on your budget.
SEL training for educators FAQ’s
Social and Emotional Learning Training will teach educators how to include SEL in the work they are already doing with children through young adults. We believe the best learning emerges within the context of supportive relationships and conscious communication. We will teach you how to develop SEL competencies in yourself and your students.