Erin Richardson has been practicing as an OT in the greater Atlanta area for nearly six years and has worked in various practice settings including inpatient and outpatient pediatric therapy, inpatient and outpatient adult rehab, and within the school system. Over the past 2 years, Erin has explored art and developed her personal yoga practice as a healing medium.
She currently works in inpatient rehab at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, primarily with patients who have experienced a brain injury or spinal cord injury and their families.
We created yoga programing using the Grounded Kids yoga curriculum for children ages 4 to 21, with various diagnosis including spinal cord injury and brain injury. This yoga program is not only for the patients, but for their caregivers as well and focuses on physical wellbeing , resiliency, and mindfulness/breath work. This program is held weekly and also involves our music therapist who plays the singing bowl and tongue drum during sessions to incorporate sound therapy.