I was diagnosed with ADHD in 1977. Everything about my struggles in school and life in general motivated me to become a school teacher and later create Grounded Kids yoga. Kids with ADHD often feel like something is inherently wrong with them and I was no different.

Words like “immature,” “hyper active,” “attention seeker” and “poor conduct” still sting and elicit feelings of unworthiness. I needed support and stability. I needed a chance to move my body before trying to sit still. I needed to oxygenate my blood and refresh my brain before trying to recall information that had gotten buried in the abundance of thoughts and sensations I was experiencing. Focus In Time provides 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 minute yoga sequences that can fit into even the busiest of school schedules to prepare your mind and body for learning. When our nervous system has too much to process,  we revert to our stress responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) as if our survival depends on it. When we are in our stress response, NO NEW LEARNING CAN TAKE PLACE.

In education, we have a term called Learning Readiness defined as “the ability to receive purposeful instruction.” Focus In Time will help all students be open to receive. Click here to download the printable pages. Focus In Time is also available in 14 x 14 posters to display in your classroom.