Author Archives: Kelley Sue

About Kelley Sue

Kelley Sue, Certified Elevated Grounder, Mother of two, Photographer, B.F.A Art Educator, teaches Grounded Yoga and Mindful Meditation to individuals ages 3 to 83. She also photographs children and families. If Kelley Sue is not on her mat practicing yoga, she is homeschooling, cuddled up reading to her children, photographing or creating art. Kelley Sue enjoys teaching a balance of artful alignment, mindful meditation and playfulness while embracing the joys and benefits of yoga. She is passionate about embracing life in all forms and feels that love is one of the most powerful forces on this planet. Through motherhood, yoga and art she strives to make this world a better place.

A Poem of Wacky, Wonderful Noises While Clawing The Mat, CAT!


soundsIn celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday we learned how to work our feet and our hands.  Just as Suess’ Mr. Brown Can Moo!, Mrs. Cat can MEOW!   In “Mrs. Cat Can Meow! Can You?”  A Poem of Wacky, Wonderful Noises – While Clawing the Mat we allowed our inner animal out on the mat while paying close attention to our hands and feet. Are they wacky?  Are they flat?  Are they clawing the mat?  When practicing this wacky flow while making Suesserrific noises you too will learn the importance of clawing the mat.  In playing “Stop Foot, Go” (a zany spin on the all time favorite game, Musical Chairs) and studying the 4 corners of our feet we checked on our left foot and our right foot making sure they were fuzzy fur feet.  While “Roaring”, “split – splatting” and “meowing” along with Mrs. Cat we learned that when our four paws are aligned we feel more steady, more grounded, and in balance with the universe.



Chakra_GirlIt all began one morning while following Grounded Yoga’s Facebook page. Co-Founder, Amy Haysman posted a super cool picture of Deepak Chopra’s “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheros” that peeked my interest. On the cover of Chopra’s book is a new super hero with the world in her hands and with text that reads, “Harnessing Our Power to Change the World”. I had to go further and research more about the book and the author. In his book, Chopra teaches us that by exploring the boundaries of energy and awareness, allowing us to better understand ourselves and our potential, we are capable of changing the world. Yes! Of course!! This made total sense to me. So, I decided to take on the challenge of saving the world by tapping into my own Chakras. I found that I was becoming more grounded, more creative, more present, and more aware of my surroundings than ever before. My soul just opened up! This was only the beginning of my Chakra Adventure! I had to take what I was learning into my classes. I taught a six week Chakra System series to children ages 4-11 Super Hero style! It was Chakrariffic!!

“Lightbulb!”…Recognizing The Importance of Honoring Your Self!


despicable_me_2Have you ever felt not worthy?  Maybe you lacked Self-love or maybe you didn’t surround yourself with goodness at the time.  Who we surround ourselves with is who we become.  If we surround ourselves with downers we begin to feel down.  If we surround ourselves with happy, joyous, and delightful people we become more happy and joyful.  If we were to eat junk food every single day we would begin to feel down and ucky.  When we eat healthier we experience delight and Self-love.  Honor Your Self!  Surround yourself with goodness.   “The first step toward awareness is being willing to look at yourself and your life without judgment or self-criticism.” (Iyanla Vanzant)  Awareness opens the heart to new possibilities.