Author Archives: Cheryl Crawford

Love in Your Head


On this day, we invite you to practice the Love in Your Head pose gifted to us from Elie, age 6.

“Close your eyes. Breathe and get still. Pour love into the top of your head. Not just one thing you love! Pour everything and everyone you can think of that you love into your head. Keep going until your head feels full of love and joy.”




Love is the most powerful activator for positive change to manifest on this planet.

Thank you Elie, for being the light of awareness. You are living wisdom. You are Love.

The Book of Marlie

Simply Marlie
Thank you Eight year old Marlie for presenting me with this yoga book you wrote and taught to classes in your school. I appreciate your interesting chapters~  Yoga that keeps me calm Yoga that keeps me Grounded Yoga with more than two people Yoga with two people Yoga that keeps me happy  and your very helpful notes~ Remember you will not get it the first time Breathe slowly Remember to lean  your beautifully detailed art~ and your permission to share your work on our blog~  I am grateful that you have been a grounded student for three years and you continue to serve your school with yoga.  With love, Cheryl Crawford

Hi Ken…It’s me Barbie!


Yoga BarbieWe all have a limited, contracted, outer surface.  Yoga teaches us to dig deep into our center to know our true, authentic selves. Yoga Teacher Barbie was gifted to me on my birthday and I have chosen to Ground her and help her to expand her consciousness. All of my students are gifts; yet this is my first one who was born in Indonesia and had a non-existent childhood,. No wonder she has restricted knowledge.

Perhaps Barbie’s obvious patterns of limitations can teach us how to observe our own stuff.
Bring It On!  Barbie has offered her letters to her beloved, Ken for you all to witness her progress.