Tag Archives: Yoga for Special Needs

How does your engine run… The Grounded way


How does your engine run? It’s a simple question with a simple answer.  Grounding red hot engines can be a little more complicated….

I took on a new challenge this summer- teaching 2-3 classes of yoga as a “little therapy” for kids with sensory-based concerns at a week-long day camp that runs throughout the summer- if you’re interested google PEOTSI here in Atlanta.  

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You ARE Special, Just Like Everyone Else


I_am_what_I.amI Am What I Am Grounded Yoga Pose

SA: Touch thumb to first finger and say SA which means Infinant. 

TA: Touch thumb to second finger and say TA which means Birth.

NA: Touch thumb to third finger and say NA which means Ending. 

MA: Touch thumb to pinky finger and say MA which means Rebirth. 

This is a traditional Kundalini Yoga chant that activates specific pressure ponts that help energy flow to the brain. We love this chant and first realized its transformational quality and how much all kids love it in the Radiant Child Yoga Program training with Shakta Kaur Khalsa.