by Sedef Dion, E-RYT 500, RCYT
I love what I do. Every teaching experience fulfills me and gives me joy. I want to share what happened a few weeks ago during Resting Pose. I have been going to one of the homeless shelters in metro Atlanta to teach children ages 4 to 12. These kids are exhausted and deal with so much on a daily basis. Life for them is very challenging on many levels. I was told by the shelter director that they truly look forward to our 45 minute yoga sessions.
During our yoga class we did some heart opening back bends, as well as some heart melting poses. Then it was time for Resting Pose. They were on their backs settling just like sand would be on the bottom of the ocean. Yes, even for Resting Pose there is a certain effort that then leads to total surrender and relaxation. I was directing them to pay attention to their breath and repeat a short but powerful mantra. Inhale I AM, exhale OK. Within minutes 16 kids were in Resting Pose. They all fell into a very deep sleep. After about 6 minutes I began trying to bring them back so we would finish our class. None of them were able wake up! Two of the other shelter teachers and I tried super hard to wake them up. It looked as if I had drugged them! They weren’t even moving. It took about 10 minutes for them to come out of Resting Pose.
So, when hearts open and emotions flow; when one feels safe and secure, resting and sleeping become easy and natural. I witnessed that. It happened right in front of my eyes.
May all the children feel safe and secure
May all the children have a place to call home.
May all the children know that home is within.
Inhale I AM; exhale OK.