Want to build your positive mind?

Feel bright in every which way?

Breathe in BIG and stretch real wiiiiiiiiide

Exhale a Yippee Ki Yay!

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To activate Positive Mind

Release worries that stick like glue

Mooooove inside your rib cage

Let out a Yabba Dabba Doo!

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The negative mind is protective

fearing, “it’s just not possible”,

The positive mind takes risks

Makes the impossible, possible

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Go from Negative Mind clenching

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To stomping…

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To Jumping…

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To Laughing…

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To  quite Positive consequencing

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Let’s head toward the Neutral Mind

~the balance that hears both sides

Make choices from a centered space.

So our Trust gets… Magnified!

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Positive mind is calm, contained

and inspires expansion and boldness,

We don’t get rid of the Negative Mind,

It protect us from dangers, like coldness..

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   May we brighten ourselves  from the inside

So we easily Yippee Ki Yay

May we see each other’s goodness

Namaste Namaste Namaste

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Sat Nam

Thank you Yogi Bhajan for the teachings

Jenni Miller for the Yippee Ki Yay when I really needed it

and Rachel Schattle for capturing the children’s radiance