Tag Archives: Truth


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Inspired by Yoga Sutra 1.48: ritambhara tatra prajna

Dr. Seuss teaches truth
From his Fountain of Youth
Where wisdom is truthful
And truthful is couth.

“Today you are You,
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive
Who is Youer than You.”

Patanjali teaches truthta
In his book full of sutra
Chapter one: forty-eight
ritambhara tatra prajna

We take out the trash
That we’ve stitched and we’ve stashed
That covers our wisdom
And nishes our nash.

TS23 big
Exhale low belly

To move toward that state
Stretch your arms out straight
Inhale, touch thumbs overhead
Exhale, flap to sides straight

Flap like a bird
Truth is the word
Each breath in think truth
Each breath out think word

3 minutes to flap
Let falsities unwrap
Take a full breath inside
Exhale yip or a yap.

Close your eyes to see
{Between eyebrows is key}
What truth is now revealed
That can set you free…

Warrior for Truth


ZI61_bigHave you ever head the term “The Ground Truth”? Spies say it when they want to know what really went down, no cover-ups and no interpretations. Apparently in life or death spy situations it’s important to know the ground truth in order to move forward in the mission. In NASA, the ground truth is part of the calibration process where a person on the ground makes a measurement of the same thing the satellite is trying to measure at the same time. The two answers are then compared to help evaluate how well the satellite instrument is performing.

when something horrible happens


truth-1-300x225how do you teach yoga to teens?  you start by teaching Truth.  speak to the highest in them.  they will get it when you tell them that they are a spiritual being in a physical body and that they are immeasurably powerful.   when they root their feet into their mat, into the earth in Mountain pose they will feel steady and strong; a steadiness they themselves create becomes a thing they can rely upon.  when their feet are rooted into the earth, they will become rooted in their integrity. when they are faced with difficult situations they can breathe into steadiness, root into their integrity and make grounded choices.